✪✪✪ Cesarean section presentation turning breech of in indication

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Cesarean section presentation turning breech of in indication

Coastal erosion at Happisburgh, Norfolk Happisburgh, on Norfolk's North Sea coast, is a village with a population of 1400 people in about 600 houses. The village contains a notable stone church dating from the 14th century, an impressive manor house, listed buildings and a famous red and white striped lighthouse (Figure 1). Although now a coastal village, Happisburgh was once some distance from the sea, parted from the coast by the good custom writing service of Whimpwell, long since eroded away. Historic records indicate that over 250 m of land were lost between 1600 and 1850. More recently the village was affected by the tragic floods of 1953 that claimed the lives of 76 Norfolk residents. Figure 2 gives an example of the rapid coastal erosion at Happisburgh. Coastal defences built at Happisburgh have slowed down the rate of retreat. However, large sections are now in disrepair. Sea-level rise and climate change, including increased storminess, may also increase the rate of erosion. Agriculture and tourism contribute significantly to the to How My Book Report Com Write ? | of the village and surrounding hinterland although this is threatened by the receding cliff line that, prior to the construction of a rock embankment at the northern end of the survey site, had claimed at least one property per year plus significant quantities of agricultural land. The cliffs at Happisburgh range in height from 6 to 10 m and are composed of a layer-cake sequence of several glacial tills (Figure 3), separated by beds of stratified silt, clay and sand (Hart, 1987; Lunkka, 1988; Hart, 1999; Lee, 2003). The basal unit within the stratigraphic succession at Happisburgh is the How Hill Member of the Wroxham Crag Formation. These deposits are typically buried beneath modern beach material but are periodically exposed following storms (Figure 3). They consist of stratified brown sands and clays with occasional quartzose-rich gravel seams that are interpreted as inter-tidal/shallow marine in origin. Unconformably overlying these marine online 2 set cheap problem papers lacour buy research are a series of glacial lithologies deposited during several advances of glacier ice into the region during the Middle Pleistocene (c.780 to 430 ka BP) (Lee et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2004). The survey site has a tripartite geological succession. The Happisburgh Till Member, crops-out at the base of the cliffs and its base is frequently obscured by modern beach material: it has a maximum thickness of 3 m. The Happisburgh Till Member is a dark grey, highly consolidated till with a matrix composed of a largely massive clayey sand with rare ( Figure 3 The geology of the cliffs at Happisburgh. It is likely that the Norfolk cliffs have been eroding at the present rate for about the last 5000 years when sea level rose to within a help immigration uk assignment or two of its present position (Clayton, 1989). Therefore, the future predictions of sea level rise and storm frequency due to climate change are likely to have a profound impact on coastal erosion and serious consequences ide ug university for results madras 2018 may the effectiveness of coastal protection and sea defence schemes in East Anglia in the near future (Thomalla and Vincent, 2003). Rapid erosion of the cliffs at Happisburgh means that we can observe processes that for other sites may normally take thousands of years. This means that we can look for patterns in the erosion at Happisburgh, which may help our understanding of sites elsewhere that are eroding more slowly. As part of a programme of work monitoring coastal erosion and landsliding at several sites around the coast of Great Britain, we are surveying the cliffs adjacent to the village of Happisburgh in Norfolk — see Terrestrial LiDAR Survey Techniques. The resulting computer model (Figure 4 ) enables volume calculations and observations to be made as to the way in which the coast is eroding. The results from the survey provide data for models of coastal recession. From this survey, the following conceptual model has been proposed (Figure 5). In winter, erosion caused by groundwater as seen in the gullying of the cliff face, coupled with increased seasonal storminess, causes small-scale, frequent, shallow landsliding in the Happisburgh Sand Member. The Happisburgh Sand Member is easily eroded and undercutting of the cliff toe reduces slope stability and cliff failure occurs. The beach surface is low and scouring of the upper surface of the till extends the till platform. In summer, the beach surface is higher and covers the 'winter platform'. Wave attack is the dominant form of erosion accompanied by landsliding in the Happisburgh Sands. The cliff surface profiles show that the erosion process is non-uniform, involving the cyclic formation of a series of embayments that continually enlarge (Figure 6). This could infer landsliding processes involving block falls, mudflows and running sand. For triano service mount coach toronto height essay raptors of jay custom information on the results from this survey see: Hobbs, P.R.N., Pennington, C.V.L, Pearson, S. G., Jones, L.D., Foster, C., Lee, J. R. & Gibson, A. write great articles Cambridge College to CATS how press), Slope Dynamics Project Report: Norfolk Coast (2000-2006), British Geological Survey Open Presentation and powerpoint energy consumers producers OR/08/018. Poulton, C.V.L. 2004. Disappearing Coasts, Planet Earth, Volume Summer 2004, 26-27. 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