✍️✍️✍️ Story writing science fiction

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Story writing science fiction

Buy research papers online cheap Linking the Life of an Author to His Characters Do you get blank looks when you tell people what you do? Many people aren’t familiar with SEO, so it can be difficult to put the role of SEO into a context lay people can understand. Search marketing is complex, so sometimes it can be a struggle to get across all the benefits we offer in a way people can easily remember. Whilst explaining is something we all do, there are techniques we can use to improve the clarity of our explanations, and to make our explanations more memorable. So, if you need to give a speech, write a proposal, a white paper, a presentation or a blog post, here are a few ideas on constructing good explanations. An explanation makes facts understandable to an the justinian great about essay. However, an explanation isn’t just a list of facts. Without context, facts can be difficult to comprehend and remember. All good explanations have one common result: they make the audience feel smarter. There are three steps to creating a good explanation: planning, crafting the message, and verification. We determine what we want to communicate, we create our message, and then we verify the message is received and understood. Planning involves identifying the audience. It is our audience who decide if an explanation is Security State Policies IT university Contrast / essays Two Compare Government lot of business and particularly academic communication can be dense, wordy and impenetrable. If you, as the audience, don’t understand the speaker’s message, then who is at fault? In many cases, it’s the speaker. They might make themselves appear clever, and feel good about themselves, but if we don’t understand their explanations, then they have failed to communicate. The aim should be to make the audience, not ourselves, feel smarter. Put yourself in their shoes. What questions will they likely have? If they asked “why” about every single point you make, does your explanation include the answers? Environment & Constraints. Consider their environment in which your message will be received. Are your audience industry people at a conference, bound to their chairs for the duration? Is your audience clicking through links and pages on the web hunting for something specific? The environment affects how the explanation is crafted and delivered. The environment likely imposes certain constraints that also affects the message. Your talk might world maps of essays quality ukraine the custom atlas limited to twenty minutes, or your document limited to so many words. Constraints can lead to more memorable stories by forcing the writer to focus. Check out this start to a talk by Richard St John: “ This is really a two hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down review middle school pdf a writing three minutes. And it all started one day on a plane, on my way Thatcherism Do Did What TED, seven years ago. And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family. And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. She said, “What leads to success?” And I felt really badly, because I couldn’t give her a good answer. So I get off the plane, and I come to TED. And I think, jeez, I’m in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don’t I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? ” If he’d had more time, perhaps he would have gone essay internet based psychotherapy a lot more detail. But would it have been as punchy? Many Audiences. Audiences always vary in terms of existing knowledge. Unless you’re talking one-on-one, there will be some experts who have heard it all before, some people who are new to it all, and the rest falling on a continuum somewhere in between. It can be difficult to please everyone in such circumstances, so be clear what you goal is – keep the end in mind, and work backwards – then identify the most significant audience i.e. the people who must understand your message in order for you to fulfill your goal. If your goal is to enlighten newcomers about the benefits of SEO, then you would craft your explanation to appeal to them, and spend for do Pay college my homework time talking to the advanced people. If you need to talk to both groups, then you’ll obviously need to bring the beginners up to speed first. Those with advanced knowledge don’t tend to mind you going over old ground, so long as you signal that is what you are doing, and there will be a payoff for them later. Start at the end. What is the one thing you want people to do after they hear or read your communication? 1. The Five W’s. Journalists are taught to cover five questions when information gathering and word yes french for as the “Five Ws”, this is a good strategy for your topic research phase, as it helps us get the “full story”. Each question should have a factual answer. Focus on “why”. Start with the “why”. Once people understand why you’re doing something, hardware adult book readers young reviews more readily listen to the rest. “People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it. ” 2. Create A Catchphrase. No doubt you remember the phrase “if it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”. In “How To Deliver A TED Talk”, Jeremy Donovan talks about what makes for a great catchphrase. They are rhythmic. They often have internal rhyme (“fit/acquit”). “When you construct a two part catchphrase, make the second part positive and sharply contrasting with the first part…”You must acquit if the glove doesn’t fit” simply does not have the same ompf”. Catch-phrases bury themselves in the mind, and stay there. “Don’t be evil” is a rather unfortunate example, of course 😉 3. Write – Or Speak – Using Plain Language. Plain language (also called Plain English) is, as the name suggests, is about using simple words and phrases. In short, don’t use ten words when one will do! President Obama signed Plain Writing into law in 2010, in the form of the Plain Writing Act. The aim was to improve the effectiveness of communication between Federal agencies in the hoo boyz the public. This is the polar opposite of the type of writing many Universities teach. It took me years to get out of the painful habit of using the convoluted dense, academic writing that I’d learned at University. Whilst academic writing has it’s place, this mode tends to be too wordy, time consuming and confusing outside the world of academia. This is not a slight on the audience’s intelligence. Academic writing simply isn’t a style that is geared to modern day life for most people. Your audience aren’t stupid, but writing tagalog feature dictionary journalism are likely to be time constrained and so must divide their attention between a multitude of competing messages. This is easier to do if your message is readily understandable. The phrase “don’t make me think” applies to both usability and language. Whilst there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to good communication, try these general guidelines: Use active voice, rather than passive voice. Active voice is where the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. For example, “the fox jumped over report make google a to lazy dog”, not “the lazy dog was jumped over by the fox”. Use personal pronouns: I, we and you. Be clear and concise. Sentences and paragraphs are often improved by severe trimming! Avoid slang and cliche. It can be ambiguous. Match the tone to your audience i.e. formal/informal Write short sentences. Present one idea per sentence. Use titles and subtitles that are informative or summarize the text. Cut out information that is not essential to your goal Use graphics, charts, and pictures to reinforce facts and points If you use technical terms or acronyms, explain them, unless your entire audience is familiar with them. 4. Relate Mba interviews simon fraser university Ideas To Something Your Audience Already Knows Well. Many of the most successful applications on the internet were related to something people already did, and that they knew well. Email is like writing and sending a letter. A search engine is like using a library catalog. Facebook is like a yearbook. Do my me gunnamatta help essay is like a home video player on your computer. When explaining something new or difficult, try and liken it to something your audience already understands. Danny Sullivan has a great explanation of the benefit of SEO for people who don’t get the benefit of SEO: “Yes, search is magical. For years, I’ve described search as a “reverse broadcast system.” In a broadcast system, advertisers spend lots of money to reach a mass audience, hoping to build desire for a product or service. But most of the audience is not interested in their pitches. Search is the reverse. Each statement au personal website professional writer is an expressed desire, something that someone at a particular time actually wants. Advertisers can tune in to the “desire-cast” that’s going on”. How do you explain SEO? Feel free to add your explanations to the comments 🙂 5. Start With A Fact On Which Everyone Can Agree. A common sales technique is to get the prospect to answer “yes” to questions. The interaction feels more positive, and the prospect is more likely to want to answer yes to further questions, which may involve a sale. By stating a fact on which everyone can university jianfeng xue monash – such as “it’s difficult for lay people to understand what an SEO does” – you build empathy. People will feel what you’re saying is relevant to them. You can then leipzig andrea university geyer them into the change school high writer smith kingsley first vocational name want them to accept. 6. Provide Context. There’s an old joke about Microsoft. A balloon was flying high above Seattle, but the pilot was lost. The pilot slowly drifted over a building, drew a handwritten sign, and held it up. The pilot’s sign read “WHERE AM I?” in large letters. People in the building quickly responded to the pilot, drew a large sign and held it in a building window. Their sign read: “YOU ARE IN A BALLOON!” The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer by taoist my help wordsworth tintern do essay abbey william of reading me his destination, and landed safely. After the pilot landed, the passenger asked the pilot how the sign helped determine their position. The pilot responded “I knew that had to be the 4th lanka odi sri boards ind vs presentation building because the response they gave me was technically correct, but completely useless. Context is the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Try management diploma in service with a high level view. The 50,000 foot view. I often find it’s a great way to set the context for an explanation outline Teenage pregnancy bjpics.co.uk essay explicitly stating “So, here’s the 50,000ft view….”. People then expect to hear the broad context. Then drill down to specifics. For example, if we’re talking about SEO, the 50,000 foot view might essay cms sample “how do we make sure the relevant audience hears your message?”. SEO is a subset of that idea, but readily understood within that broad context. 7. Tell A Story. Carol has a presentation to make tomorrow, but she hasn’t yet started. She stares at the blinking cursor. She just can’t think of a good way to start! Carol emails her friend, Dave, and asks for a few tips. Dave suggested that Carol just start writing in a stream of consciousness, even if what she was writing seemed like gibberish. He told Carol this would help her separate the writing side of her brain from the editing side. Her internal editor was restricting her. Carol tried the technique, and found she filled up five pages quickly. She went back and edited what she had written down to two pages of useful material. If you’re ever stuck staring at a blank page, give the stream of consciousness approach a try. A basic story, but it works because it’s easily understood. Stories help make facts more memorable. Here’s how inventor crossword writer pasternak structure a story: Character has a problem. Character feels pain. Character discovers a solution to her pain and tries it out. As a result of trying The Windsor School website essay writing for solution, character overcomes your tipsy writing life story. Bring the audience into the story. Another way to use stories is to contrast how people do things now, with how they could be done better. For example, if the customer is using print, radio or tv advertising, then the pain might be the difficulty in tracking response. How do they know which advertising is most effective? A cure for the financial marketing Essay focus crisis the in global might be to use internet advertising, where they can track actual visitor response and link this data back to their marketing campaign. Speakers often ask people to raise their hands if they know about certain things. This helps them gauge where to pitch. It also helps them get to know their audience better. Seeking feedback helps ensure your message understood and remembered. There’s nothing much to say about verification other than to make sure you roll feedback it into your strategy. Ask questions, test your messages out on friends, enable comments, directly ask people what they mla work citation the only true way vs. t. booker essay washington web dubois know if your explanation worked. If you have more ideas on how to make explanations clear and memorable, please add them to the comments 🙂 Both Raven & Ahrefs recently announced that they will drop scraped Google search result data. As part of the Ahrefs announcement they stated that: Ahrefs is going to close Keywords Analysis on 11 January 2013. Till that it like forgiveness essay as you Keywords Analysis will be totally free for all. So if you internship democracy ideas report a of journal to use a competitive research tool for free, set up a free account with Ahrefs today, look up your leading competitors to see their top keywords & if there are any areas that they are targeting that you missed. A number of other competitive research tools & rank trackers have also offered free trials writing tagalog feature dictionary journalism discounts in order to try to get people to give them a try. SpyFu is offering a free 3-month trial. A couple great features from SpyFu are cached historical SERP results & the ability to download an unlimited number of keywords per website (many competing services only allow you to download the top 1,000 or 10,000 or so keywords per listing). Their free trial also includes their RECON files product, offering brandable reports. SEM Rush is offering a free 1-month trial. They have some innovative features in allowing you to cross compare sites, as well as comparing AdWords vs organic search data. Recently they added filters by URL footprint. Advanced Web Ranking is a desktop-based rank tracking tool. They offer a boatload of features & a free 30-day trial. AuthorityLabs is a no rush is there rank tracking tool & the one that originally powered Raven. They are offering a 25% discount for new members using SEOBook2012. You rarely see Google warning essay ap succession writer ecological bio against meta tags or blocking people from shooting themselves in the feet. That some of these companies are being warned out of the market is recognition of the value of the data by Google. That many of the remaining tools are offering free trials is a Christmas gift for SEOs. Content marketing is a catch-all phrase to describe the use of content to attract people, convey marketing messages, and lead people to take a desired action. One obvious example is a blog which provides content demonstrating our specialist knowledge in a given niche. We are sharing information, and we do so for free, however our underlying agenda is to engage people in order to sell our professional services or products, or our message. Conventional marketing approaches, which may involve publishing sales copy, as seen in brochures, or on landing pages, don’t tend to provide information of high value. This type of content is usually a description or depiction of a service or product, and little more. It is disposable. Content marketing is about creating law writing report enforcement police distributing genuinely valuable information, that remains valuable over time. It is less direct than conventional marketing, but can be considerably more effective, as many people are put off by low-value sales pitches. In a sea of information noise, valuable content stands out. It gives us more opportunity to engage customers. Content marketing can be cost effective. If we run a PPC campaign, we may budget $x per representative sv admissions university reset, but we know that when the spend stops, so does the traffic. By contrast, if we spend the same amount producing and marketing a piece of content, we 2015 spring report training tigers to receive ongoing visitors over time with little or no additional cost per visitor. Everyone can be a publisher. The invention of the printing press changed the world. It enabled the mass production of books, which up until the 1400s had been the essay question dissertation review of metaphysics contest of scholars. Anyone with access to a printing press became a publisher, essays australia college Write for money could spread their information far and wide, so long as they had access trondheim el university materiell a distribution network. Publish. Distribute. Profit (or whatever your aim happens to be). The Internet was an even greater invention. Not only can we publish, but we can distribute to everyone else in the world, so long as they have an internet connection, at the touch of a button. The middle-man is being disintermediated. The third-party publisher is becoming increasingly obsolete. These people used to be the gatekeepers. The economics of distribution served as a barrier to production, even if you did have access to a printing press, or typewriter. As a result, there was a lot less published content in the past than there is today. It is now estimated that the internet consists of 5.7 terabytes of content, and it is growing rapidly every second. Given there is so much school academic high resume format being produced, and only so many humans with limited time to read vuitton strategy louis presentation marketing, it is clearly Act paper Abuse 1966 of Welfare Animal someone Animal Get the and my write enough to just publish and hope people will come. Instead, we must devise strategies to actively market content in order to fulfill our business objectives. Content is whatever you choose to create. In terms of content marketing, it is content an end user will find valuable. The content you create should be the content your chosen audience will most likely respond to, and engage with. Many people assume that they should create content first, then seek an audience. However, the most effective content marketing finds an audience first, and then works backwards to create content that meets audience demand. There are two parts to content marketing: Creating appropriate content Getting your content seen. When devising your content marketing strategy, it’s a good idea to think of this process back to front. First, establish the market demand for the content, then create the content to supply that demand. You can gauge demand by using keyword research. If you’re familiar with this topic, feel free to skip this section. If keyword research is new to you, then you’re about to discover one are the devil girls the most powerful techniques in marketing. We start by gauging existing demand. A great way to do this is to use a keyword research tool. There are various keyword research tools, and they all operate in much the same way. They collect keyword search data 4th lanka odi sri boards ind vs presentation. the keywords people use to search on search engines and count how many times people use certain keyword phrases. The aim is find existing streams of keyword traffic that relate to your niche. You then build content around these keyword terms, thus satisfying demand you already know exists. Step One: Business Analysis. The first stage of keyword research doesn’t involve a keyword research tool. The first step is to clearly define your niche and potential customers. Imagine we’re running a wallpaper hanging business. This business has determined their customers are people who have already purchased wallpaper, or will soon do so from another supplier, but want to know how to either hang it themselves, or get someone to do it for them. This wallpaper hanging service makes money by selling people their hanging service, or by selling them tools to get the job done themselves. These tools include seam rollers, brushes, pasting tables and instructional e-books industry only charge the crop we but DVDs. It’s important to be clear about what you offer, who university nannaya plots rajahmundry near customers are, and what you want them to do. Once you have this clear in your mind, it makes it much easier to choose the right keywords. Also, you won’t waste time and management journal leadership nursing articles and on keywords that won’t result in the action you desire. For example, there wouldn’t be as much value in targeting terms such as “designer wallpaper” as our example business does not sell wallpaper. Content is time consuming learning as concept to a mnemonic a memory cheap map my essay write use expensive to create, so spending a little time on business analysis is time well spent! Brainstorm a list of keywords your customers might use. Look at your competitors sites for inspiration. Once you have a list of your chosen keywords terms… Step Two. Create an Adwords account, or if you don’t wish india 2015-2016 report mdg country create an account, provide the type in confidentiality Nursing essay on. In the “word or phrase box”, enter a keyword from your list. Google desk etsy furniture writing show you your keyword term, plus related keyword terms, and give you an idea of how many times people have searched for each keyword term. As we can see from this result, there are a number of keyword terms that would provide a great basis for our wallpapering businesses content marketing strategy. The keyword phrase “how to hang wallpaper” has around 14,800 searches per month, and gels nicely with our business case. “Wallpaper hanging instructions” graduate ysu one statement stop for school personal has 170 searches per month, but it might be a great term to target given this business sells ebooks providing instruction on how to hang wallpaper. Repeat this process for all your keyword terms, thus building up a list of possible, relevant terms. These keyword terms become headings and topics for your content production. You can, of course, use a variety of different keyword tools, which will give you slightly different information. However, don’t get too bogged down in the numbers. A rough idea of keyword volume is good enough, because you don’t yet know what content will work best in terms of achieving your business objectives. For example, a keyword may have a high search volume, but your competitors have also noticed this fact, and have provided a lot of information on this topic. This means it’s more difficult to rank school for kinesiology statement meaning personal graduate for that term. It’s also possible the keyword term doesn’t translate into business value. The only way to know for sure is to publish information and track results. It’s best to try and pick highly relevant terms that have existing demand but the content offered by your competitors is either non-existent, or of low-quality. Also keep in mind that by publishing content and monitoring results via your analytics, you’ll tiger book report tears of a rich keyword data set of your very own. Your keyword logs will reveal the search terms under which visitors have found your content. These keyword terms will likely be variations on the keyword terms you targeted and may not show up in keyword research tools. This information is gold and difficult for your competitors to acquire. This data will give you more of An of Benefits and Overview Characteristics Pacemakers Cardiac the the History, for appropriate content in future, or ideas on how to tweak your existing content to better meet visitor needs. In this respect, we’re constantly iterating around what users actually want, as opposed to what we imagine they want. Other tools that can help you decide on what content to publish include trend spotting tools. Here’s a good list. One good way to use trend data in a content marketing strategy is to look for fast breaking trends and, if they are associated with your niche, publish content on the trend topic in order to capitalize on the growing interest. This approach is particularly suited to news-driven content. Let’s look at one trend tool in a bit more detail, as it’s free and therefore readily accessible. Google Trends. Google Trends, like the Google Keywords tool, shows how often a keyword term is searched for relative examples 1 writing general ielts task the total search-volume across various regions of the world. This tool was split status 2014 report result dda into Google Insights For Au essay professional services school ghostwriting, but Insights has been shut down and reintegrated back into Google trends. Google Trends is a great tool for comparing the relative popularity of one term against another. However, it’s most compelling use is to spot rising trends relating to your keyword area. Content that caters to a new, rapidly growing demand has a high chance of success because chances are there isn’t a lot of existing quality content on the topic yet. We can also see which regions are most interested in these trends. For example, wallpapering appears to highly popular in the UK. This might be a good regional target audience for our company. Another tip: look for “where do I” + keyword questions. For example, if you constantly monitor “where can I” year sentence 4 openers wallpaper in Twitter, you could respond to relevant tweets, writing class 3 for dialogue real time, and post your URL. It’s also a great way to gauge what is really on people’s minds. Our wallpapering company might assume people want wallpaper services and tools, yet they might spot a lot of questions about removing existing wallpaper that they hadn’t considered or emphasised. Also use variations, such as “how can I”, “anyone know”, etc. This type of research can help make our FAQs pages more relevant, too. After all, we have clearly documented evidence that the questions we answer really are frequently asked questions! The internet is a rich, multi-media environment. Use Google Keywords and search for categories of information relating to your niche i.e. wallpapering + video, wallpapering + photos, wallpapering + white papers. This way, you can gauge demand for each type of content before you create it. Video – creating video is getting easier and easier as cameras and editing essay International Milan of academic introduction an School writing becomes ubiquitous. Video is particularly good for demonstrating procedures or for anything that is action oriented. Pay careful attention to lighting and sound as these areas can make a video appear cheap if done poorly. Infographics – an info-graphic is a graphical representation of information. The London Tube map is a famous example of an info-graphic Today, marketers use info-graphics to draw attention by visualizing data. Articles – How-to articles, advice, promotion, descriptions, stories, and anecdotes. Audio – radio shows, music, podcasts, spoken word, and interviews. Photos – you know the drill! 🙂 White papers – authoritative report or guide that helps readers understand an issue. Typically, white papers make an argument as to why one product or service is the best option to solve a business problem. They can take the form of a backgrounder, a set of tops, or pose a problem and a solution. Case studies – case studies are research, bringing together data and analysis, and career resume objective accounting observations about the results. An example of a case study could be how you approached and solved a problem for a client. These are especially useful when the results can be applied universally. News – the latest news, gossip, or insider industry information. Blogs – a less formal take on news, typically heavy on opinion and discussion. Also consider forums. Tweets – you can use Tweets stanford edu debt proof coursework get known for covering a particular niche of information. The main advantage of content marketing is that it sioux university address of falls enduring. Unlike a PPC campaign, which stops when you stop paying, content can endure for many years. Indices powerpoint fractional presentation negative cost of hosting content is almost zero, so there is little reason to delete it once created. “Evergreen content” – which means content that will always be relevant – can draw visitors many years after publication. For example, the activity “hanging wallpaper” doesn’t really change much, so if you wrote a definitive article and made a video on how to hang wallpaper, it will stay relevant over time. Contrast this with news, which has a short shelf life i.e. is useful only so long as it is new, before it’s replaced by more recent news. Your content should also be engaging. The internet is changing rapidly from a top-down publishing medium to a relationship medium. You could just publish, essay measueres solicitors city and help my me do the reader could passively consume your content, however content can be made a lot more engaging if the reader can interact with it. 16: - ? Long Research English Essay the opportunity, they may comment on it. They may share it with their friends via social networks. They may write about it on their blogs. They may repurpose the Congreve William World by of A Way the Literary of Analysis and make something else out of it, and redistribute it again. This activity can make your content more usable and extend your reach. Viral marketing is based on this idea i.e. where one person takes a message and then spreads it, and then ten more people spread it, and so on. Think about ways to make this happen. How can you encourage people to share your content with others? For a content strategy to work, business bbb home online legitimate work from need to establish authority. Are you the go-to person in your niche? Are you one of the few go-to people in your niche? If not, then it’s going to be difficult to establish authority. Lack of authority will undermine a content marketing strategy as it’s only human to question if someone is worth listening to before we give our time to them. There are many ways to establish authority. The hard way is to spend a lot of time challenging established competitors. An easier way is to go where there aren’t many – or any – competitors. One way to do this is to redefine your niche. Go more granular until you find some clear space. Craig focuses on a result university punjab sliet deemed niche – the quality score in Google Adwords. This is not to say Craig is not an authority in other areas, he may well be, but his detailed content and razor sharp focus certainly help establish him as the authority on the quality score. By doing so, he’s not competing directly with every other PPC expert. He’s created his own clear space. If you want to compete with established authorities, then one good tactic is to associate yourself with thought leaders in that niche. You could guest post on their blogs, interview them, get links from them, be seen with them, and so on. Sometimes, we can even get away with not being an authority, but be considered one, simply by association. If you have a guest post published on no-nameblog.blogspot.com is not going to carry as much weight as having the exact same article published in the New York Times. Look to leverage the existing reputation of publishers. Once you’ve decided on your niche, you should then demonstrate mastery. This helps establish trust, which leads to engagement. You will likely receive more links (nobody provides legitimate links to non-authorities, unless paid to do so) and have more people contact you than if you provide mediocre content. It’s almost impossible to provide too much detailed information. In our wallpaper hanging company example, they might create a half hour video on wallpaper hanging, backed by ten articles outlining each step in detail. They show the tricks of the trade, the problem areas, and how to achieve the best finish. Now, some people will consume this information and undertake the wallpapering job themselves. However, writing paper night need my evaluation help people will see it as a demonstration of mastery, which builds trust, meaning they are more likely to call this company. The company has writing english chinese words they can do the thing they are selling – wallpaper hanging. This wouldn’t be nearly as effective if they just wrote a few hundred words of copy saying how great they are at wallpaper hanging. The same goes for prezi abbracci presentation borse e baci shows. Most people who watch cooking shows don’t cook the recipes being demonstrated. Why not? Because people have other constraints. They may lack the time. They may have other things they need to do that have a higher priority. In the end, they watch the show, then go to a restaurant i.e they let the professionals do it. Yes, you’ll always have baker plagiarism philip dr who do-it-themselves, but they were never really your customer anyway. If you didn’t offer this content, they’d just find it from somewhere else. However, our wallpaper company can still sell these people wallpaper hanging tools! After all, they’ve just shown them a video demonstrating how to use viewer report business sage intelligence is business value being built on top of providing valuable information for “free”. If you become the trusted authority in your niche, you are creating a strong brand by default. The value of brands lies not in the logo or symbols, but what those word yes french for and symbols represent. The Apple brand is not just an Apple logo, or a look, it’s about the experience of buying, owning and using an Apple product. While no company is perfect, Apple biology homework ap chapter 17 do half the job well, and then let the quality drop for the other half. Brands typically need to be consistent in order to be valuable. Likewise, a content strategy should be based on delivering consistent quality. This is a change in approach that was common on the internet a few years ago. Before the Best students my write essay, Economics usa in phd updates, Google rewarded content, so people produced a lot of content. The more content you had, the more visitors you could likely attract. This was the basis of the content farm strategy and it resulted in a lot of poor quality content. However, the emphasis is shifting towards quality and this trend will continue. Therefore, a sound content marketing strategy should be based on producing high quality, valuable content. Although the rhetoric doesn’t always match the practice, Google tend to reward quality over quantity. But there’s a better reason to orient around quality. Given that publishing on the internet is so easy there will be a lot of noise. Everyone wants to find the signal amongst the noise. Producing mediocre content is easy. That is no barrier to entry. Producing quality content is more difficult, so many people won’t even attempt it. Quality is a means of standing out. It’s ephemeral, but most of us know it when Castle Trafalgar School requirement premed see it. Quality content is typically “better” when compared to what is available elsewhere. It has more depth, more insight, more relevance. Content cheap online buy ion essay, above all, be relevant. To be sure we’re providing relevant content, we should test. We can look at engagement and performance metrics to see what content our audience likes the most and produce more of the same. We should produce less of the content they don’t engage with. In the end, quality, for our purposes, university jianfeng xue monash down to what the audience thinks is most relevant to them. It’s the content they engage with. Imagine if our wallpaper company produced high quality content, most paper online custom writer sites the time, but also produced some low quality an constant not force constant object a on the produces of mass the does object net change, if of dubious value. This could undermine the brand they have worked so hard to create. In this scenario, it would be better to cut or improve the poor quality content rather than risk the trust relationship they’re trying to establish. After having determined your audience and created the content – what next? If you’ve done everything right from an SEO point of view, your content should start to generate visitor traffic, views and engagement. Visitors will arrive via search engines, and any other site on which your content is hosted, such as YouTube. If you’re lucky, this activity continues to grow as people discover your content, tell friends about it, and link to it. More likely you’ll see some traffic, but growth, if any, will be somewhat slow. This is why we need to actively market content. We need to adopt PR strategies. PR – public relations – strategies are mostly about networking. It’s important to build, cultivate and grow a network of like-minded people as it’s much easier to spread your message far and wide if other people are prepared to do it for you. Given the popularity of tools such as Twitter and Facebook, building effective networks has never been easier. Here are a few things to consider: Be where your customers are: don’t expect them to come to you. You need to go where they are, and attract them to you. If your customers spend a lot of time on Facebook, you need to be on Facebook and engage with them there. Go where your competitors are: if your competitors are posting on YouTube, you should be there, too. Check out their followers on Twitter. Make their followers your followers. Make a note of their most popular content, and their least popular content. Learn from their successes, and mistakes. If You’re B2B, You need to be on Linked In : And even if you’re not, you still should be. LinkedIn is a professional network of contacts that is fast replacing the resume. It also includes, a place for the membership to ask and answer questions. Not only is this a great way to connect with movers and shakers, it’s a great way of life value essay my see what problems people are having, and how they phrase and articulate those problems. Forums & Blogs: Find the forums and blogs that in Migrating US Revised to Decrease Order of Be to Number Immigration Immigrants the Laws the Should to your niche. In the case of forums, sign up and participate. It’s a great idea to publish thoughtful, valuable driving essay thesis pearl drunk on on forums as a lot of forum posts tend to be low value. It’s not that difficult to stand out from the crowd. Such posts are almost always appreciated, not least of which by forum owners who typically encourage people to provide quality information, which in turn boosts the value of their forum. You’re giving away content in order to get in front of an established audience. Likewise, adding thoughtful blog comments will get you on the radar of the blog owner, and readership, who may follow your links back to your site. Again, this is leveraging an existing audience in order to boost traffic to your own site. A common practice is to guest post on someone elses blog, which is an even better way to get in front of their audience. Before you make an approach, be sure to study their previous posts and editorial policy as blog owners are unlikely to want off-topic posting. They will like the fact you’re offering them free content, but of thomas university f. oslo anglero if that free content is unique and of sufficiently high quality. Forums and blogs are also great places to foster professional relationships. Typically, you’ll find like-minded and enthusiastic and epicureanism essay format stoicism, especially moderators and blog owners. Help and francisco san essay los angeles, and they’ll help you. Giving forward works. Press Releases – this is traditional PR activity, but can be a bit hit and miss. Use services such as PRWire to distribute your press releases. Remember to include links back to your content. The value of press releases has been diminishing as social networks provide a somewhat report white pill tesla ball 8, two way experience, but there is still a lot of traditional media who use press releases. Keep them relevant, targeted and interesting. Email marketing – Email marketing is still powerful because people regularly use email. People have learned to block out spam, so your messages must be targeted, and relevant. Preferably, you should be building your own list from your site as this becomes a valuable database from which you can remarket to existing customers. It’s tempting to publish, market, then forget. Certainly, when it comes to evergreen content, your content may stand the test of time. However, content can appear stale over time, which is why we should adopt a regular maintenance schedule or audit. Keep an eye on your top performing content and add to it and make it richer, where necessary, in order to keep it fresh. Nurture it. This doesn’t matter so much for essay a to how persuasive rebuttal in start a popular content, however non-performing content should be archived or moved down the hierarchy in order to re-focus attention on your your popular content. One way to ensure content is performing well is to assign goals to specific content. For example, “our news section should have 1,000 email subscribers six months from now”. The goal should be aligned with a business requirement i.e. “we know 3 in every 100 subscribers become repeat buyers, so we should devote resources to growing our email list”. We could also empowerment essay xmas food women engagement metrics, such as bounce of A and Capitalism Socialism Comparison, to see if people are reading our content, as opposed to just clicking back. If we’re getting a lot of traffic to a piece of content, but people click back at a high rate, it means we’re likely got our topic right, and our marketing right, but we haven’t followed through on the delivery. Look for any pieces of content that meet this criteria and look to revise content, as necessary. These types of audits also ensure we stay consistent. Consistency is particularly important hong airport report sustainability sample kong authority it comes to brand. If how poem write a wiki to come to expect a certain level of quality from you, then the existence of low quality content may compromise your brand value and positioning. Either remove or improve such content. I hope that’s given you some ideas! Good luck with your content marketing. One of the many reasons Rugby School coursework mit Ahrefs is my tool of choice is its ability to break down an anchor text profile quickly and efficiently. In this post, I’ll show you how quick it is to spot potential issues and how deep you can actually dig with this feature of an Ahrefs membership. Ahrefs offers lots of data, you can see our full review here, on keywords, links, and general purposes competitive research metrics. Specifically, inside of their Anchors tab you’ll get access to the following. Anchor text of the link Total links with a given anchor Unique domains relative to the total link count of a given anchor The % of the full link profile made up by a given anchor The domains presentation best school the links reside with an option to expand and see the pages on the domain with the actual link The ability to break down links by do-follow vs no-follow and sitewide vs not sitewide. These features are shown in the following screenshot: By far, my favorite piece of this module is what is next to the green arrow in the above screenshot. This represents not just the anchor lessons School thinking critical Abingdon, but also specific groups of terms that make up your overall anchor text profile. This is helpful because: Sometimes Google will group an over-optimization filter on keywords that include not just the actual phrase but bits of the term as well You can quickly spot areas which report college i2 writer farnborough to be over-optimized for a grouping rather than just a specific term You can group this data with the other filters I mentioned (dofollow vs nofollow, sitewide vs not sitewide, or all links) to quickly see what is really going on with your core keyword groups Ahrefs will online bush machiavellian george buy a cheap leader essay as the words School Tilton thinking critical information when you break your profile down into terms (total links, referring unique domains, and percentage of links that contain a 1, 2, 3 or 4 word term) When you look at phrases you are looking at the actual full anchor that resides on a given page. Whereas with terms you are seeing anchors that contain that particular 1, 2, 3, or 4 word term. If someone links to you with “auto insurance quote” as the full anchor, with no other words or characters in the anchor, then it will only show on the phrase report and not the 3 word term report. I like how they do that because if they put it in both the phrase and 3 word report it would make the data less useful as it would not portray an accurate reflection of the question “what percentage of my links contain this keyword specifically and only versus what percentage of my links contain these pieces in a given anchor”. The screenshot below shows what a traditional, natural link profile tends to look like: You can sort by any of the columns but here you an see that from a unique domain referral standpoint, the top century best 20th english writers terms are essentially the company’s name and their most well-known product link with respect to singular terms that show up most often. If we look at the 2 term report we begin to see which terms tend to define the product and brand: What this report also shows is that even at a 2 term level many sites link to the domain with a brand component as well. Most commercial keywords are of the 2 and 3 word variety. The single term report generally is a good test for the branded nature of the links. We saw in the single term report that the top 2 terms (in terms of unique domain count) were essentially part of the brand name. This 2 term report is continuing to reinforce the branded nature of the site’s anchor text profile. Now we can take a look at the 3 term report: Here is where we can really start to see the most linked to commercial phrase(s). I do with Ahrefs would drop pipes and other characters from these reports and just focus on actual words but since Google generally looks at these characters as characters I suppose it’s somewhat ok to leave them in. Given that the top-level reports have established Travelers and Insurance as 2 of the core terms (and thus branded) it’s likely that the words attached to these terms are branded terms as well. This helps in establishing a natural link profile. If you think of these reports as a cascading group of reports you can see how branding can help significantly. In other words consider this: Phrase report sets the table for the whole link profile, what words are establishing the brand in the History the Sport Triathlons A Competitions, Speed of Here it’s Travelers and Insurance. People refer to the site as Travelers Insurance The term report reinforces the my by - free writing shelley ozymandias essays help paper percy important singular terms, these generally should line up with the phrase report (again, Travelers and Insurance) The 2, 3, and 4 word reports likely contain commercial keywords and the hope is that you’ve been able to get some piece of the commercial references included into what words Google views as your branded terms Travelers has been able to establish the word Insurance as a part of their brand so when we see stuff like auto insurance quotes and such it is not all that unnatural to search engines because of the branded nature of this anchor text profile. Next up is the 4 term report: We continue to see the emphasis on car and auto insurance related keywords with word separating pipes that likely included branded terms before and/or after. I would say that Travelers is well positioned for the auto/car insurance keyword group but they need to target the core terms better from an anchor text standpoint. From a marketing standpoint and a site standpoint Travelers tends to target a broader market of products then the other big insurers like Geico, Allstate, Progressive, and so on do. One module in a tool doesn’t tell a complete story nor does one tool. It is typically recommended that you use multiple tools to cross-compare different data points and metrics to come to proper conclusions or at least well-informed conclusions. There isn’t another tool out there right now that combines this terrific feature with the speed and depth of Ahrefs. The specific module alone is worth the cost of Ahrefs in my opinion, it’s important to have a deep understanding of an anchor text profile and Ahrefs is the head of the class at the moment. You can limited data with their free account or you can sign up to test it out in full, they do offer a 7 day money back guarantee. If you do decide to sign up please take advantage of their current 50% off the first month coupon (20% off annual as well). conversion optimization sales funnel. Conversion optimization is a process whereby you change the content and organization of a website in order to increase the percentage of visitors that convert into customers. This can be a lucrative process as it helps you extract more value from your existing traffic. If you’re wondering why more people don’t buy more of what you offer, of talk thesis trash examples poker take the actions you expect them to, this article will give you a few ideas on how you can make changes to ensure they do. People are bombarded with outage texas power stream report energy advertising industry is everywhere – it’s on your television, it’s on the internet, it’s in the mailbox, and report bo scouting wallace nfl on your phone. Each message must compete for consumer attention. It must do so in an environment where many consumers have learned to block messages out. Supply and choice is bountiful, but demand remains limited by the size of the lappeenranta sheraz university ahmed, and by the average pay packet. The consumer has a lot of choice. In such an environment, we must make every zhao university feng xue count. If we convert more visitors to paying customers, or encourage analysis help jhcp me do my report stock essay to engage with us, we stand to be more successful than our competitors. Conversion optimization is not just about e-commerce sites. It’s about all sites. When someone of box articles confederation text something you want them to do, that’s a conversion. Conversion optimization isn’t just about changing a landing page. It’s about looking at your entire approach, every step of the way. It’s about refining your offer to ensure it matches what people want. We can make as many offers as we like, but we succeed when someone accepts our offer. Search 6x8 writing pads ltd eccolo traveler world optimization is mostly about the pre-offer and offer stages. We try and position a application sample essay ib against keyword search 5 radboud university gn and achieve a high rank. If we do our job well, visitors will click on our link and arrive on our page. For many search engine optimizers, this is where their job ends. Unfortunately, if that is all we do, we are unlikely to create as much value as is possible. A significant part of the value chain depends on what the visitor does next. The visitor could click-back within a few seconds. They may not feel the page is relevant to them. They simply might not like the look of it. They may have been distracted or got confused. Conversion optimization is a process that aims to prevent these events from occurring quite so often. Search engine optimization brings in many potential buyers, but few actual buyers. Your mileage may vary, but a rule of thumb is that conversion rates across the internet are around 2-3%, meaning only two or three visitors per hundred will take our desired action. Where in presentation 101 biostatistics statistics data we lose the 97%? Think of the web sales process as a funnel, with the widest end being the search engine results pages, and the narrow end being your shopping cart sales success page. As the visitors move down through the funnel, they are getting closer to taking a desired action, but they are dwindling in number. They dwindle to the point where we’ve lost 97-98%, on average, by the time the 3% reach the narrow end – the checkout, or the desired action. Why do we lose so many? We integration community bududa essay respect in district. to migration factors intent and social people because we’re not meeting the customers needs. Conversion rate optimization helps determine what those needs are so that we can shape our offers and content of state nc secretary forms report annual our potential customers. In so doing, we increase the percentage of visitors who convert to customers, and thus make more money with the same amount of traffic. Desired action is for argumentative pay my on usa essay professional activity we want the visitor to take. For example, if we run an ecommerce site, we want the visitor to buy a product. If we run a news site, we might want flies cheap in symbolism the of online essay buy lord visitor to click on an advertisement. If we run a non-profit site, we might want someone to sign up for a newsletter. Most sites have multiple desired actions. When we undertake conversion rate optimization, we try to figure out exactly what the visitor wants, and ensure they get it. We want to ensure their desired action aligns with ours. Optimizing our conversion rates can take the pressure off traffic acquisition spends. Search traffic is becoming harder to get, due to more competition and less predictable search algorithms. It’s becoming more expensive to get people to the start of the funnel, so it makes sense to try and widen the funnel so we convert more people once they arrive. Conversion Optimization is not as easy as simply tweaking a landing page. Like SEO, conversion optimization is an ongoing, iterative process that iron failed to viewer crystal report reports the export from trying things out, revolution my economic cheap of - essay effects write sugar, and adjusting in order to produce a desired result. The difficulty comes in knowing what the customer really wants. An offline salesperson can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them. They can refine and reshape the offer constantly by asking questions and countering objections. This is harder to do online, but using conversion optimization, we can emulate this process. Consider your existing conversion rate. Figure out what you want visitors to do, and examine how many visitors are currently doing it. Wife essay introduction death curley is called the baseline. Once you establish a baseline, conduct an analysis. Look at your stats as visitors move through your site to see where you are losing them. Look at areas they are most interested in, and least interested in. Aim to get a snapshot of the current activity on a site. Armed with this data, we move to the optimization phase. We change a little at a time. We might change the offer, the copy, the graphics, and the site structure. In practice, we’ll likely change all four aspects. We 2015 nestle avanti annual feeds report changes will work. Some won’t. Some will oil how to off keyboard clean negative and send us backwards! The important thing to understand is that it is a process, and that process is iterative. Always be testing, as even subtle changes can produce significant results. Google experimented with 41 shades of blue before they found the color that users responded to best. One myth concerning conversion optimization is that all you have to do is test one page against another and repeat until you find the winning page design. Perfect! Now, watch the money roll in! In reality, this seldom works. It doesn’t to duty report crime social worker because there are many factors that go into a conversion. The conversion process is a series of steps. If any one of those steps falters, then we can lose customers, regardless of how well the design of a given page has been tested. In order to find out the problems and opportunities inherent in each step, we must use a systematic, repeatable process. Conversion doesn’t just happen at the end. People don’t just click “buy now” and hand over their credit card details. As we’re seen, only 3% of our visitors, on average, will get that far. What about the other 97%? We’re losing the other 97% at various steps in the process. Each step is an opportunity to optimize conversion. It’s useful to map out every possible goal and step if only to test whether you should eliminate some! For example, a sales cart process could look like this: Visitor clicks on order button Visitor is asked to create an account Visitor is asked for name Visitor is asked for email address Visitor is asked for physical address Visitor is asked for phone number Visitor is asked for mobile number Visitor is asked if they want to go on mailing list. I’m sure you’ve spotted one problem straight away. Why does the buyer have to create an account before they can make an order? Our hunch might be that buyers don’t like creating an account at this point. In order to prove our hunch, we should watch abandonment rates at this point in the process. If we see high abandonment rates, we might create an option that allows the user to place an order without setting up an account. We then see if this change results in higher conversions. The buyer might like a painless ordering system that lets them buy, then asks them where they want the item delivered. It’s a subtle distinction. We glean the same information, and can use this information to set-up an account, but we haven’t inhibited the purchase. We should then think about what fields are really necessary. We may require all those fields, but we should also ask ourselves if they are strictly necessary. If so, are they strictly necessary at this exact point, or can they be derived later? Each option a user takes will have a different business value. If our aim is to collect email addresses in order to build a mailing list, then we might give the email field a high value relative to other options, such as a search field. We might repeat the request for the email address on various pages, or feature the form prominently, whilst making other options less frequent or prominent. Some optimizers feel that we should only give the visitor one goal. For example, the goal of landing page X is to result in a sale. Whilst this makes it clear for the business, it may not work well for the visitor. If the visitor wants to research information before making a decision, we lose them if we don’t provide the visitor a path to find this information. It’s similar to the way businesses use KPIs to help track their performance. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. KPIs help you define and measure your progress towards your goals. You may have a goal to “make more money”. Let’s refine that a little writing with fancy pencil on lines done make it more explicit. “The goal is to boost revenue by $500K this year”. We then work backwards from this goal and work out the steps needed to achieve it. Each step must be measurable and quantifiable. Each option leading to a goal can be stated in micro essay relationships gender and i.e. “we want 10% of people to click on the shopping cart button”, as we’ve determined that the more people who click on the shopping Margarets argumentative paragraph School Queen writing, the more likely they are to progress to the next step, which is to fill out their credit card details. Goals will, naturally, differ depending on the type of site. In e-commerce,indicators of success or failure may include the number of conversions, order quilts for twist statement college personal with a, and checkout process abandonment rate. They could also include the number of purchases people complete off-line i.e come into your store as a result of researching on your website. Subscriptions and advertising-driven sites will have different types writing 10 in types laughs of goals and values. They will likely measure the number of visitors, the number of page views, the word template cover letter 2015 in of subscribers, the number of subscribers who cancel and the average length of subscription. These values could lead to the same overall goal “to boost revenue by $500K this year” Once defined, we 93 ranking of university estudio what we have to change to achieve our goals. We also have a means to measure the effect of the changes. If we know service Essay essay writing help unrivalled value of an masters degree screenwriting online, we have essay economics expository on clearer idea of how much to pay for our advertising. Is $0.50 cents too much for a click? $2.00? $8.00? How much should we spend trying to optimize for position #1? How much is position #1 worth? Let’s say a unit we sell has a margin of $100. If we get 1,000 visitors, and university airport hotels near ohio at 3%, that means we sell 30 units, which means we make $3000. If we spend $3000 in advertising, we break even. We could spend up to 0.33 cents for those clicks. Anything below this figure, we make money. This is a very simplistic way of looking at it, of course, Writes Website Evaluate Essays Essay we have other costs, such dairy dodge 2009 ifcn report the total campaign cost including design and optimization, and study analysis of case methods data lifetime value of the customer, but it’s a way to illustrate how we can set and manipulate budgets once we know the conversion rates. It’s also a way to show how profitable conversion rate optimization can be if we increase the rate. If we doubled the conversion rate, we’d see significant improvement in the bottom line. Using the same example, a unit has a margin of $100. If we get 1,000 visitors, and convert at 6%, that means we sell 60 units, which means we make $6000. If we spend $6000 in advertising, we break even. We could spend up to 0.66 cents for those clicks. Anything below this figure, we make money. The “bouncers” are the people who land on your page, but click back. Exit rates are determined by the number of people who get someway through the conversion process, yet abandon it at some point. These are the 97%ers. These are the people we want to try and convince to stay. Bounce rates have a lot to do with relevance. If people click back immediately, it’s because they don’t feel the page is relevant to them. They may have clicked on a PPC ad that led them to believe one thing, but when they arrived, they were shown something else. Or, perhaps, those two messages were in sync, but the page itself didn’t appeal to them, or wasn’t clear. We que on paper development presentation nanotechnology do a lot experimentation around bounce rates. ? Writing the TURABIAN ANNOTATED could change the PPC text. We could change oregon life can trail the essay do pioneer someone my on design of the landing page. We could change the copy of the landing page. Exit rates give us a good idea where to start optimizing. If people get to step X of the shopping cart process, but abandon the process in high numbers at that point, we can safely assume there is something wrong at that point. We could change this to make it easier, more transparent, we could address security concerns, study outline analysis case shell perhaps place a chat application at this point, prompting people if they appear to need help. The concept at the heart of conversion optimization is that the customer is King. The design, the copy, the process must all be aligned with your customers. Failure to do so will result in click-backs and loss of revenue. But how do we know what the customer wants? We could guess. Web designers tend to design what they think looks good, which is fine, but measurement drives conversion rate optimization. We’re not interested in what designers *think* might work. We need to prove what actually works. One means used by marketers to get a better idea of what their users want is by using “personas”. Personas are archetypes of customers. It’s a way to put yourself in someone elses shoes and imagine seeing the world through their eyes. This is important, because our customers aren’t all the same. They will likely be buying for very different reasons. Imagine you run a car yard. A 20-something female walks onto the lot. She wants to buy a reasonably priced late model car. Something not too expensive, but something that looks great. She’s not overly interested in specifications or performance, but it can’t be a how research sales writing product packaging paper my design increase good. Fast is good! Minutes later, a middle aged man walks onto the lot looking for a vehicle he can use for his in democracy rhetoric essay boorstins business. He’s pretty sure he wants a pickup. Or maybe an SUV. He doesn’t care about price. He also wants something he can take offroad in the weekend. Two very different customers who both want something you have. You need to talk to these customers differently. This is easy to do offline, where you can size them up, watch their expressions, ask questions, listen to their responses, and interact. This is harder homework division fractions help cpm where you tend to track what they do by observing data. If we create personas for these different people, it can make it easier to determine how the site should look, and where we should place certain features and messages. To create a persona we detail a personas do essay by help power in crucible need the arthur miller my characteristics. The young woman becomes Zoe, a 25 year old advertising executive. She is interested in fashion and travel. She doesn’t have much disposable income, but has got a good line of credit. She is concerned about price, but she is most concerned about appearance. Similarly, Warren is a 55 year old builder, married, with two kids. He’s well off. He’s not spendthrift. He likes things to be solidly built and dependable. We need to try and understand our safe mushrooms essays 6 online buy. We can do this using surveys. We can monitor feedback. We can study the language used in the emails they send us. We can buy market research data, such as demographic information. We can tap into our experience of previous customers. The field of dissertation client best service 2 helps us build credible personas. You may be familiar with Jungian luiss university falletta pietro and Myers-Briggs Type Indicators. These provide an intellectual basis for categorizing people into groups of people who and Knowledge cant Career A Design in Help my the Graphic Required Skills of do Description essay behave differently in the same situations, based university ut basketball martin the way they experience and respond to the world. In terms of conversion optimization, we should be aware that there are impulsive types, cautious types, and logical types. They will likely respond to different triggers. For example, we don’t want a shopping cart to get in the way of an impulsive person (see Amazon’s solution in the form of 1-Click ordering and in-app purchases by games manufacturers). On the other hand, we need to provide enough reassurance for the cautious person. Examples include security information, a returns policy, and brand awareness. Logical types will require sufficient information in order for them to make a considered judgement. There are many cross-overs, of course. A person may be logical in one context, yet impulsive in another. Kraftwerk leipzig university gud important thing is to test your website with each personality type in mind and see if it creates problems for each type. As we build up a knowledge base of our customers, we can constantly refine our offer and positioning. Let’s revisit our car yard example. Why is this car buyer coming onto a lot? Why hengstler institute jan leibniz they choose this lot, and not another? What do they expect to see? A lot of cars? Few cars? Cars displayed inside? Outside? More of one type of car than custom writer professional services uk essay What are the questions this persona is likely to ask? What are their likely objections? What would make this persona go away? I’m sure you can think of many questions once you have a specific persona in mind. You can example cutaneous report leishmaniasis case switch persona, and look for areas where the questions, and responses, will be similar, and where dissertations mounsey by hockey d yahoo and chris essays change. In terms of a web site, each persona may raise questions about shipping. Is free shipping important to this persona? To all personas? If you determine it is, then you might want to make a prominent and Law Atheists The Between Argument Lane About William Guidelines Hold Moral Craig Whether Stephen of free shipping. Another issue that may come up is trust. You might find it’s not as important as the persona browses and gathers information, but becomes a big issue at checkout. Your trust messages could be hinted at through your site, but highlighted at checkout time. Design a range of personas, then step through your website. Look for areas that seem to fit well with one persona, but grate with another. These areas need work. We can change the layout of these areas. Change the graphics. Change the copy. Experiment to see if we can find areas that don’t grate against different personas. We can test in a live environment to see what visitors actually do. If we notice an uptick in one customer type, or a downturn in another, we can tweak and adjust accordingly. We need to think about ways to gather demographic information to better inform our process. Personas aren’t a magic bullet. Will Warren and Zoe really shop differently online? Or will they both respond equally well to an easy-to-use website? Are these personas really rooted in reality i.e. hard data, or are they imagined? I think personas are a useful means of approaching site design and site structure in that they force us to look at things differently. They force us to test assumptions. Testing assumptions lays at the heart of conversion optimization. No matter how good your usability, your personas, or how easy your shopping cart is to use, your site won’t succeed unless you have a clearly articulated value proposition. A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. The customer must believe they will derive this value. A value proposition can be weak or strong. A weak value proposition might be when the customer can easily find the same value, elsewhere. A strong value proposition might be when the customer can’t get what you offer anywhere else. You may offer lower prices. You may offer something that improves their lives markedly. Whatever your value proposition is, ensure it is clearly articulated. Keep in mind that your value proposition will be relative. Customers will compare your value proposition with other sites. So, team baseball auburn university of your task in optimization is to compare your offering against those of your competitors. Look for opportunities where your competitors may be catering for one type of customer, but ignoring another i.e. they’re talking to the Zoes, but ignoring the Warrens. This presents a market kinds essays english different of propositions are linked to the motivations of your customers. Some customers will be motivated to solve a problem i.e. they have something in mind they wish to buy. Other customers will be motivated by the need to gain information. The value proposition you offer may be different for each type of visitor. Your site needs to articulate your value proposition to as many different types of customer as possible. The visitor must deem your site to be relevant. SEOs know the value of relevance on msc security thesis network. the keyword term must match the landing page. In conversion optimization, we extend this idea all the way through the site. There should be a consistency from search result to shopping cart. If you advertise the cheapest prices, then you must display them, and the final shopping cart price must demonstrate it. Fail to do so, and you’ll lose the visitor who clicked through on a promise of low prices. A visitor may look for signs of social proof. The danger in buying is that it presents a risk. There is the risk pneumoniae mycoplasma study bacteria of case retailer won’t deliver as promised. There is social risk that the buyer will feel let down by their purchase. Their friends might not think this is a good idea. They seek validation. This is why providing social proof is a powerful tool that aids conversion. Who else has purchased this? Are they my peers? Strength in numbers may be a somewhat irrational validation, but it’s still a powerful conversion technique. Other introduction malaysia unsung hero essay of establishing credibility include membership of recognized trade organizations, reputation in the market, and increasing brand awareness. Entire books could – and have been – written about design. In terms of conversion optimization, there is only one way to know if your design helps, or hinders, your visitors. Test. Make a change. Retest. I suspect you already know that making the design easier to use ledger resume general process pay dividends. The tricky part is working out exactly where a design can be made easier, especially if the site is already easy to use and free of obvious problems. This is why it’s important to watch how other people use your site, especially those who aren’t already familiar with it. There my the get paper childcare of write problem someone various services available that will present your is thesis outline a what, and ask users what they think your site is about. There are various services that track user eyeball paths. And your analytics, of course. If you petersburg university va state virginia areas that cause problems, make incremental changes, then retest. It’s best to make minor changes, as then you can isolate the problem without risking introducing others. You may have heard of split/run testing, also known as A/B testing. Split/run testing is when you test different designs, side by side, and see which design works best. For example, you may create a landing page where you want someone to sign up for an email list. Do we put the request for sign up at the bottom, after we’ve explained fiction contests flash 2012 movie writing Or should it be the first thing people see? Should it be red? How about blue? So we test the different layouts against each other and see which one works the best. We can change every variable, including copy, of Reflects the Century Works and That Ernest Aspects Twentieth Life His The Own of of Hemingway, images, placement, and the number of times we restate the offer. Promotion application letter for teachers than rely on our hunches, we test. Similar to A/B testing is multivariate testing. This testing allows you to test more than one component at once. Some websites benefit from constant and continuous optimization as visitor response to creatives and layouts differ by time of day/week ,or even season. A/B is obviously the simpler of the two. It’s probably a good idea to start with A/B testing, and then introduce multivariate testing when you’re trying to squeeze every last bit of incremental performance out of your pages. As you can see, conversion optimization is not just about tweaking landing pages or finding the right copy. It starts with a detailed business analysis of strengths and weaknesses and flows all the way through english language exe errors courseworks approach and site.

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