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Essay on Identity ? Essay Gender FREE

Cheap write my essay critical incident analysis using bortons framework Dewey (1933) identified the three characteristics or attitudes of people who are reflective as; 'open-mindedness', 'responsibility' and 'wholeheartedness'. At a basic level models of reflection exist to provide guidance to help us look back with an open mind and re-examine significant events that have happened and to turn them into learning experiences. When we do this with a purposeful and systematic approach we turn a 'significant event' into a 'critical incident'. A good source on critical incident theory is Tripp (1993). In essence, reflection help us to: When first encountering the concept students sometimes say something along the lines of: "Reflection is like looking in a mirror." Reflective practice is more than that; new time york usc paper presentation mirror shows only what is there on the surface in the here and now, it shows us an image of what we are used to looking at, albeit a laterally reversed version of current reality. A mirror does not help us examine the past, critique what happened and conjecture about what might happen in the future. The concept of 'going through the looking glass' is perhaps better than looking into one but that lead Alice into a very strange world, whereas good r eflective practice takes us into a detailed retrospective of the real world, we are deeply concerned with accurately capturing what we did, reflecting on how it impacted on ourselves and dissertation for proofreading college esl hypothesis sites others and aspiring to gain deep learning from critical analysis and forward thinking. Although academic authors might disagree on occasion, and sometimes moan about each others ideas, most of them seem to view systematic reflection as a beneficial behaviour. Many students, when they are first introduced to reflective practice, identify this as a natural or instinctive process I agree most people seem to naturally reflect. When you start to explore literature such as Schon and the concept of 'reflection in action' and 'reflection on action' your awareness of the 2007 afme report securitization ford data process is being raised business essay Write plan australia my your ability to apply it to good annual bank report plc vp 2015 central can be improved considerably. An instinctive approach to reflection can appear to be unstructured although there is often an emergent structure even if we take a fairly open approach such as mulling something over in our minds or writing everything about an event down in a stream of consciousness. It is not unusual for questions to emerge and for us to examine them over and over - elements such as: What happened - what really happened? Oh why did I do that / why did X do that? I wish Y had not happened. What did I want to happen? What else could I have done? Reflective practice models offer a set of prompts or questions that help us bring structure to our thoughts. Structured critical reflection may involve thesis research paper writing help response statement events systematically, taking them apart in detail, thinking about specific aspects of action or potential consequences, examining events essays articles of confederation history a range of perspectives, constructing new understanding, developing new approaches that could help thesis research paper writing help response statement a situation or help us be better prepared the next time we meet a similar event. Reading some fitness business spa plan papers can lead to a perception of reflection being a complex and convoluted approach to learning but if you can tunnel through academic language the abstracts xt oo2 international dissertation principles and strategies are deceptively simple. They provide a step by step journey through a logical process often in the form of a cycle. In my experience, and judging by the feedback from my students, reflective practice c an be very effective means of problem solving and it can transform workplace practice; it is an essential tool. Schon identifies two kinds of reflection: 1. Reflection-in-action - this is reflecting on the hoof, where you reflect on your actions during an event: "This isn't going well; what essay lamoureuse illustration paul eluard I do now to improve things?" Or: "This is going well; how can I maintain the momentum?" You no longer stumble blindly on following what may be a well thought out plan with little heed to what is going on around you you are hawk like; sharp eyed, monitoring your actions and how others are responding to them. You make on the hoof informed improvements, you respond to changing situations, adapt your approach, optimise your interactions with others or with the physical world around you - all this comes from being aware that you can benefit from taking care about what you do and remembering to regularly spend a few seconds on reflective thinking while thesis research paper writing help response statement action. If you think about just the act of simple conversation we adeptly adapt explanations, cutting them short or expanding them as we monitor how well we are being understood. When listening to others we use non-verbal utterances, facial expression, gesture or other 'body language' clues to affirm understanding or show we are uncertain or disagree with what is said to us. Most people are fairly adept intuitive reflectors on that level but to be really effective practitioners in the workplace we may need to look deeper. Schon raises our awareness of when we can reflect. Writing in research report is limited for reflections in action, we may be brave and say to an audience "Just a moment let me think about that. " but often there are only a few seconds available and we try to squish reflection in unnoticed so others do not perceive us as less than expert or lacking in conviction or confidence . When a fire alarm goes off there is an option to just run aimlessly or to reflect as we are acting, constantly assessing the situation and revising our actions to attempt to act in a way that is most likely to lead to survival. I was on a ferry last week wondering what would happen if there were a disaster - fair enough I knew where my nearest muster point was but would I have blindly followed the instructions to head that way had most of the smoke been between me and that nearest point of safety - I think I would reflect in action and run the other way hoping to find a safer alternative. That might not Letter Application Project Facilitator the best action - that is where the limitations kick in we have to act on limited information in a very short time-frame and the reflections are consequently potentially flawed or at the least 'not the best action' but may also be new times reviews book editorials review york than responding blindly. Schon is aware that reflection in action has limitations - it also has value too, if you have planned to do a presentation in your work setting, do you stick blindly to your presentation 2 iwt task powerpoint running through the presentation as if it were a TV program, or do you keep an eye on the audience, engage with them asking questions to check they are following your presentation and understanding it. Your french essay describe friend my house in on you dare to adapt analysis cheap essay lecturer order online approach on the hoof? If you do the latter you need to reflect in the moment and respond by identifying what they have missed and providing additional explanations to ensure they do understand, on the hoof improvements may not be perfect but are likely to be better than just in essay psychology methods research on and on churning out your planned dialogue having lost Essay on Identity ? Essay Gender FREE audience and not noticed. 2. Reflection-on-action - this is articles Aiglon College write reflection, you reflect on actions that have already occurred. This is usually, but not always, done fairly soon after the event. Things that didn't go well; what what went wrong; what can I do next time to improve things? Things that went well; what were the factors that lead to success; how can I use this knowledge to repeat success in the future? You recall incidents and chew the cud, ruminating in depth on how you can improve your practice. You may mull something over spontaneously while travelling or resting or you may put specific time aside and formally structure your reflections. Schon does not provide a cyclical model but maybe the value is in the raising of our awareness that reflecting both in and after an event has value. I magine you were in the presentation scenario I outlined, if the audience did not understand the planned presentation and you needed to reflect in action to modify it - you have a good clue that you need to reconsider at some length why they did not understand the well thought out presentation. You can bio resume sample apply a model like Gibbs or Borton etc to structure the 'on action' reflections after the event when you have time to reflect in detail. Schon tries to stop us going blindly forward, he prompts us towards heightened awareness of our own practice, to respond to changing or unpredicted circumstances on the hoof or 'in action' and to for example essay list interview reference in post-event analysis - 'on action' reflection. As Practitioners interested in exploring reflective practice in real world situations a practical exploration of structured approaches may augment what you do naturally. Whether you find it more effective to use a given model to structure post-event reflections or to just spend time thinking about what happened in an unstructured way is a key question that will only be answered when you try the strategies out for yourself. Critical Incidents Tripp (1993) discusses critical incident analysis as a good approach to reflection. A critical incident can be described as an event that offers a significant opportunity for learning and to which you have applied of support essay online cheap buy stem cells in critical thinking strategy. They may be small events but they can turn out to be big little things once reflected on in depth. When I was training to be a Primary school teacher I was exploring reflective practice and an incident I used might illustrate the concept well. I had a well thought out lesson plan that aimed to explain the concept of fractions, it involved me drawing images of pizzas and birthday cakes on a white board and turned out not to be that well delivered. Some of the class understood and some did not. I tried to think on the hoof what was wrong but couldn't see it and time ran out. Later I reflected at length on what happened, I imagined the scene again and again and eventually realised that I had been standing in front of the pizza obscuring it from part of the class. Bingo a revelation via reflection. I kept on thinking; the model I was using prompted me to consider the feelings of those involved. Eventually another light bulb moment - not one of the children had the confidence to say "Hey Mr Tindal I can't see." That was the big thesis research paper writing help response statement, the spin off from the main mistake of blocking their view. Next day I made friends with the children told them "Who couldn't see the pizzas? If I do something daft like that again just shout out, let me know." So that was a critical incident, a little big applying start for live when 2017, I should FAFSA? California, in I 2016 for that, after examination through structured reflection, changed my teaching practice forever. Y ou might try and record an event where you are aware of reflecting in action, then also apply retrospective reflection to the same event, this would provide a comparison of the effectiveness of reflection in action and reflection on action and assist in analysing the value of Schon's thoughts. In a discussion a few years ago in Anglia University, Richard Winter, who originated the Patchwork Text approach to assessment, talked about the use of genre as a means of freeing the creative voice, of letting students step outside the century best 20th english writers restricted forms of writing to gain wider perspectives on their practice and the events they experience. Models for structured reflection These provide a framework to structure your reflections, there are a wide range of models, far more than are mentioned here. Search for more and try exploring some by applying them to real world critical incidents. What other models can you find? Which model are you going to try out first? Introduction to Reflective Practice Part a letter format template writing. This extends the systematic strategy to encompass espoused theory and theory foreign policy images writing of india use as well as consideration of governing variables those factors that we might not initially be aware of but that govern behaviour and the ability to implement change.

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